
6380 Force transmission.... truth.... contradiction....

October 19, 1955: Book 68

The beings of light can work in unusual abundance of strength, for they constantly receive strength from God because they are intimately united with Him and remain so for all eternity.... And they pass on these emanations of strength because they are full of love, and love always seeks to make happy. They themselves are exceedingly happy due to this reception of strength, and they know that the beings below them lack strength, which is why they constantly supply strength to these beings, prompted by their urge of love to redeem the unfortunate. Yet this process of transmitting strength is not so obvious that it could be pursued by you humans, because it is a spiritual activity, a spiritual matter, which takes place in the spiritual kingdom and also in the universe and which only the spiritually awakened human being can pursue. For it is possible for him to follow people's spiritual state and he knows that every spiritual awakening, every spiritual progress of individual people is precisely due to this radiation of light and strength from the world of light.... that these people prepare themselves as receptacles for the radiation of love from the spiritual kingdom. Everything that helps a person to ascend is the supply of spiritual strength, and where spiritual striving and spiritual success is recognizable those beings of light are active which constantly receive from God and constantly pass on what they receive to where there is no longer any resistance, where a person willingly opens his heart and accepts spiritual strength. And thus God Himself influences the human being through the beings of light, but He also pours His flow of love directly into a human heart which consciously hands itself over to Him, which invites Him to retreat, which has shaped itself such that God Himself can take abode in it. The human being's will to love determines the degree of strength, the degree of light radiation.... But it is always the same, it is always the light of love radiating from God which fills everything that wants to receive. And since this light of love has an immense luminosity, such a radiating through of love power is always connected with the introduction into truth.... For the light illuminates where it is still dark.... And consequently the same knowledge must also always go to those who are permeated by God's light of love.... For there is only one truth, and what flows out of God can only ever be truth. Therefore, beings of light can never express themselves differently.... i.e. contradict each other.... when they guide the light to earth on God's behalf.... where it is dark and the light has to shine from above in order to spread brightness, for all beings of light have the brightest realization and they radiate this realization again.... which is their actual activity in the kingdom of light, to guide the light into the darkness.... But the beings' degree of realization is different.... depending on their degree of love, yet even the slightest knowledge of a being escaping from darkness will correspond to the truth.... otherwise it would not have been struck by rays of light.... What the being receives is truth, and therefore it can only distribute truth again.... But where error is passed on there is still the realm of darkness, and no beings of light are active there because they still encounter resistance.... From this you humans can gather that contradictory spiritual knowledge cannot have the same outcome.... and that therefore caution is advised when receiving knowledge which does not agree on all points.... For such knowledge does not come from the source of light where truth originates. The world of light is full of love, and precisely this love also ensures the supply of truth to people as beings entrusted to them.... But truth never contradicts itself.... but where the dark world has access, truth is distorted.... But this can only ever happen if the receptacle is unsuitable, if it has not purified itself beforehand in order to be able to let the purest flow into itself.... Then the beings of light cannot let their rays shine, but the forces of the dark world find access and disguise themselves as beings of light.... And then man often distributes error as truth, then it is not God who works in man but His adversary.... But then man does not walk in truth....


Translated by Doris Boekers