
6316 Divine guidance....

July 20, 1955: Book 68

You all need My guidance because otherwise you would take the wrong path, for if I don't guide you, someone else will guide you who doesn't want you to reach the aim for the purpose of which you live on earth. And I also take care of every single one of you and only want you to follow Me without resistance.... that you consciously entrust yourselves to Me by commending yourselves to the one Who created you by admitting your weakness. For you know that you have a mighty one over you to Whom you are subject.... Therefore entrust yourselves to this mighty one, surrender yourselves to Him and ask for His guidance, His strength and His protection.... Know that I love you all and don't want to lose any of you to My adversary.... but also know that I don't force you to turn to Me but that you have to do it voluntarily. But then I will take hold of you and never leave you again. And one day you will realize what this means when you look back over your earthly life and also see the dangers through which I have led you to your salvation. Don't walk alone, that would be your undoing, for then My adversary will constantly walk next to you and try to push you away ever more, which he will easily succeed in doing, for you cannot resist his temptations as long as you lack the strength which only I can give you.... Let yourselves be guided by Me and consciously request this guidance, otherwise My love cannot become active in you, which certainly applies to you constantly but cannot become effective against your will. And therefore you will certainly constantly receive admonitions and warnings, yet you yourselves must open your heart and ear and want Me to guide you on all your ways.... And you will truly no longer go astray, you will surely reach the aim....


Translated by Doris Boekers