
6119 Right vineyard work.... education for this....

November 25, 1954: Book 66

In My vineyard every servant shall do what he is assigned by Me as work.... He shall use all his strength to completely fulfil My will, he shall only ever pay attention to his master's instructions, he shall never tackle anything on his own, because I demand complete submission to My will from My servants and this will will also be revealed to everyone as soon as he enters My service.... I have hired him to cultivate the soil so that good seed can be sown in it which shall bear fruit for Me.... And as he now endeavours to do this work to the best of his ability, he is an efficient worker for Me, a servant whom I will bless on earth already and one day in the spiritual kingdom.... For I have endless stretches of land lying fallow for which I need labourers.... It is My land, My soil, which requires much love and strength to work, otherwise only half work is done, which cannot satisfy Me.... These fallow fields are the hearts of men, which must first be prepared before the good seed can be planted.... My word, which shall come up and take root.... which shall spread more and more and bring forth the most glorious fruits. And in order to accomplish this work, to make human hearts receptive for My word, much love and perseverance as well as great strength is required.... My servants receive the latter from Me if I see their good will.... But they have to kindle love in their hearts themselves, and it is only love which will make the hearts of their fellow human beings open and want to receive them.... And only the one who has love within himself, who is gentle and patient, who recognizes the danger his fellow human being is in and wants to help him escape this danger, will become a true servant in My vineyard.... It is impossible to do vineyard work without love, for then they will only ever be sluggish servants who do not bring Me any success and who are therefore unfit to work for the lord.... In the end time, however, diligent work is required and therefore I will always look for servants who willingly serve Me.... I have easy and hard work to forgive and therefore accept everyone who voluntarily comes to Me.... then always assigning him the place which corresponds to his still weak strength and ability.... Thus no-one need fear not being sufficient for Me if only his will is good. For I can also train a willing servant for more difficult work, and the strength comes to him from Me as soon as he wants to work for Me and My kingdom. For human hearts are everywhere which are empty or overgrown with weeds, which believe nothing at all or erroneous teachings and whose soil now has to be cleansed or carefully prepared in order to be sown with My word.... It is a glorious activity, for it bears fruit for eternity.... And whoever takes pleasure in the shaping of human hearts, whoever feels pity for those who are like barren, dry gardens, where not a healthy little plant can flourish, let him be discipled by Me as My servant.... Let him enter My service and be an efficient labourer for Me, whose labour I will truly reward. If only he brings along a willing heart that beats with love for his fellow human beings, then he is pleasing to Me.... And I will provide him with everything he needs for his work.... he himself will receive from Me in abundance of the seed he shall scatter. His heart will itself resemble a lush field, and therefore he himself will be able to give, because he possesses abundantly.... And he will rejoice in every little plant which sprouts from the ground.... which he shall now also water with the water of life of love so that it will grow and flourish.... You must be involved with all your love yourselves, you must not do your work as a burdensome task for your lord but joyfully do everything I tell you, then you will also be delighted about the smallest success and do everything to achieve a good harvest....


Translated by Doris Boekers