
6107 Exploiting the last stage.... lot of the soul....

November 13, 1954: Book 66

As a human being you enter a stage of development where you can shape yourselves into completely free and powerful beings in order to then be able to enter the spiritual kingdom carefree.... You have this possibility, and only your free will decides whether you use this possibility.... If, on the one hand, you are presented with an eternal life in freedom, strength and light, which offers you undreamed-of glories, and, on the other hand, with a state of hardship, bound and in agonizing darkness.... you should be aware of the great responsibility and strive eagerly to become free from the bondage.... you should make every effort to make use of earthly life in accordance with God's will and to shape yourselves in such a way that you can enter life. For you possess a certain degree of knowledge as a human being so that you can very well judge whether you are using your earthly life right or wrong.... Yet if you are unwilling your degree of realization can also decrease, you can be blind in spirit and then hardly find the right path to life. However, every human being on earth is given a spiritual guide who directs and influences him such that he nevertheless feels within himself what is right and what is wrong.... Yet he, too, respects the human being's free will but will never leave him until the end of his life, and again and again he will try to influence his thoughts.... he will also influence his fate, thus he will help him in every way to attain the right realization and right use of will. And likewise, a life of divine order will also be presented to him on the human side, which is why he is never entirely without help and thus it only depends on his will whether he increases his degree of maturity, whether he lives in such a way that his soul detaches itself from matter ever more and can throw off all shackles at his death.... to dwell in the spiritual kingdom as a free spirit. But the soul irrevocably has to bear the fate it acquired for itself on earth.... And every person should bear in mind that his life on earth will be judged one day and that, according to divine justice, the soul cannot be treated differently than it has earned itself through its will and way of life. People should.... even if they are weak in faith.... nevertheless reckon with the possibility and think and act more responsibly, so that they do not prepare a dreadful fate for the soul in bondage and darkness, but that one day light and strength will be its share.... Admonitions and warnings always reach the human being, and if he is of good will he will take them to heart and strive for light and freedom....


Translated by Doris Boekers