
5988 Promise of life.... Jesus Christ....

June 29, 1954: Book 65

I will give life to those who flee death, who turn away from the one who brought death into the world and who believe My promise that they shall live forever if they let themselves be awakened by Me. I alone can fulfil this promise, I alone can command death to release you and I alone have the strength at My disposal which you need for life. Whoever therefore wants to live, let him come to Me and receive life from My hand.... whoever truly wants to live, let him desire strength from Me and he will be able to draw it without limit. I want to give you life, for I love you and therefore want to wrest you from death, I want to change your soul's lifeless state and give it the ability to be active for its own happiness.... I want it to be able to work in light and strength on earth already and one day in the spiritual kingdom.... But I can do nothing against your will.... Only when you want to escape death yourselves can you be fed with My strength, only when you turn away from the enemy of all life will he have lost his power over you and you will walk towards eternal life. Only when you direct your steps towards Me will the strength flow to you which guarantees you life, for you then open yourselves to My flow of love's strength and your hearts can now be filled with the water of life.... and you have escaped eternal death. But alone, without help, you will never be able to accomplish the release from the enemy of your souls, for your will is weakened and gagged by him, he keeps you down and you cannot rise on your own. And you would never be able to awaken to life if one did not have constant access to you.... One Whom the enemy cannot prevent from coming to you because He is stronger than the one who holds you captive.... But this one can only help you and release you from him if you want it yourselves, and so that you want it, touch His hand and let yourselves feel the benefit of His love. He steps into your path so that you will pay attention to Him and give Him the right to redeem you.... Jesus Christ, Who through His death on the cross earned the right to penetrate even the territories of His adversary in order to loosen the fetters of those who want it. My merciful love also comes to the souls in the depths.... be it on earth or in the kingdom of the beyond.... Where there is greatest adversity the saviour is near, there Jesus Christ obviously shows Himself so that people will take the path to Him Who alone can lead them out of the night of death into the light of life. He is the life Itself, Which took on flesh on earth in order to bring to life those who had fallen prey to death.... In Jesus Christ I Myself approach you humans and truly bring you life as soon as you let Me help you, as soon as you turn your eyes towards the cross and receive the strength to rise up, to resist and to free yourselves from captivity with My help. For I have redeemed you from sin and death.... I have purchased eternal life for you on the cross....


Translated by Doris Boekers