
5961 God’s bond of love....

May 19, 1954: Book 64

Allow yourselves to get captured by My love and you will be free from him who is entirely without love, and who therefore also tries to deprive you of My love when you are his slaves. My love certainly will wrap a solid band around you, it will tightly tie you to Me, so to speak, and yet you will endure this bond with joy and happiness and will not want to loosen it again.... You will submit yourselves to Me as your God and Lord but you will also recognise the Father in Me, Whom you voluntarily hasten to meet in order to show your love for Me as well. Although the bond of My love does not compel you, you will certainly never leave Me again, but you are nevertheless completely free living creations, you are My children who take up the Father's inheritance and thus work and create with Me in blissful happiness. Because I do not wrap My bond of love around you against your will, I wait until you allow yourselves to be bound, until you push towards Me yourselves so that I can take hold of you and never let go of you again....

But in order for you to want to connect and stay connected to Me I talk to you, because I want that you learn to recognise Me as your God and Father, Whose love belongs to you since the beginning, so that you also recognise Me Myself as love.... Because you first have to recognise Me in order to strive towards Me.... And I give you light because it is still dark in you.... I Am still so veiled before your eyes that you are unable to recognise Me and thus have no desire to unite with Me.... until your eyes perceive a gentle shine coming from Me which soothingly enters your heart. And then you will open the door of your heart to Me and you want Me to enter.... Then you already desire My closeness, and then you will also do everything to hold on to Me, and then My love will embrace you and keep you captive, and you will be happy and never want to let go of Me again.... Allow yourselves to be seized by My love, and you will already be blissful beings on earth.... Enter consciously into unity with Me and you will become free from the enemy of your souls who cannot follow you when you seek My closeness.... Remember that the mere longing for Me will liberate you because I will then be able to approach you Myself, and where I Am My adversary takes flight. You throw away an oppressive chain and gladly submit to My might, you voluntarily allow yourselves to be bound and are pleased with this captivity, because in My love you will be eternally happy....


Translated by Heidi Hanna