
5707 "Create and work...." endless long night....

June 25, 1953: Book 62

An infinitely long night follows the day which is already drawing to a close, a night which will be so agonizing that you humans should do everything not to fall prey to this night. For you can remain in brightest light if you want it yourselves, the coming night need not frighten you if you hear your heavenly father's admonitions and warnings and take them to heart, if you live according to the father's will and thus will also be admitted into His kingdom at the end of this earth, where it is always brightest day. That is why the words are held up to you again and again: Create and work while it is still day, for the night is coming when you will no longer be able to work. It is still in your power and in your will to avert the night from you, but when the hour will have struck, then complete powerlessness and darkness will be the fate of those who do not listen to the words from above, who leave the day with its light unused, who do not work for their souls. It is still day.... but not for long, then the period of grace will have expired, then the day of the separation of spirits will come, the day of judgment, where everyone will receive what he strives for, where there will be a general reckoning and God's justice will prevail because His love was not heeded and because sin has gained the upper hand and brings humanity a fate it does not want to believe in because it is already in the night of the spirit. Create and work while it is still day, while you humans still have vitality which you should make good use of for works of active neighbourly love.... then you can provide yourselves with light, then you need not belong to those who will sink into the deepest night in the end, then you will find mercy with God, He will lead you to His congregation, to those who will fight for Him until the end.... Then you, too, will be accepted into their flock and experience the blessings of a profound faith in Him.... then it will become ever brighter in you, then you will well knowingly approach the time when the great darkness will befall the earth, yet you entrust yourselves to your father in heaven that He will take you away from earth so that you need not share the fate of those for whom the day comes to an end and who will be swallowed up by an endless night.... See to it that there is light in you, that at least a little light flares up, which then becomes ever brighter the stronger your will is for the life of the soul, for light and bliss....


Translated by Doris Boekers