
5684 God's oversized love....

May 25, 1953: Book 62

My all-overpowering love seizes people and seeks to save them.... and a large army of blessed spirits supports Me because they are likewise urged to do so by overwhelming love. For My act of salvation, in which these blessed spiritual beings also participate, is a pure work of love, for I don't want to possess but to be loved by that which I Myself love overwhelmingly.... Only My love desires My creations which once fell away from Me, because these emerged from My love and are pure love in their original substance and because love always desires love.... And thus I also seize everything inspired by My spirit of love and try to kindle the smouldering spark of love in them into a flame which will inevitably strike Me once it is ignited and flares up, thus awakens to life. For love is strength which drives to activity, and activity is life.... And therefore I will always be where I am remembered, and My flame of love will strike over a congregation which loves Me and testifies to Me, which seeks to glorify Me. My presence is guaranteed to you where My name is faithfully pronounced, for already where two or three are gathered in My name I am in the midst of them. And therefore I bless those who proclaim Me, who pave the way for Me which leads to the heart of My children.... My love is overpowering and only bound by My law of eternity, otherwise My strength of love would truly overwhelm everyone. But one day you shall be allowed to feel this love when your heart is able to respond to My love.... When you have discarded all dross and your soul is so crystallized that it can tolerate My irradiation of love and can now use the strength of love.... when your soul itself has become love which now unites with Me. Every labourer in My vineyard who brings souls to Me, who touches their hearts so that they awaken and seek the one Who loves them supremely and wants to win them, can be assured of My richest blessing, for he does a work of love for Me Myself, he gives My children back to Me whom I lost due to the unkindness of the one who became My adversary. Every returned soul gladdens My fatherly heart and makes My love ever more intimate for My living creations, which have lost their father and have to find Him again if they want to become blissfully happy. And all My helpers in heaven and on earth rejoice in every work which applies to the redemption of these creatures from the bondage of My adversary.... All My helpers stand by you when you are busy working in the vineyard, they stand beside you blessing you, they wait for My commands and carry them out, so that the power of God may be revealed, so that My working, My love and My omnipotence may be recognized by all those who sought Me and have now found Me.... They will never lose Me again, for My love now holds them captive, but My bondage in love is bliss, from which they now never want to escape....


Translated by Doris Boekers