
5532 Doubt.... elevated truth.... light.... shadow....

November 14, 1952: Book 61

Again and again you will doubt the truth of what you should represent as My word to your fellow human beings. You will doubt as long as you yourselves have not yet reached the perfection which enables you to see brightly and which would chase away all doubts. But you can only mature through your doubts insofar as your desire for truth becomes ever stronger and you therefore also desire the one Who is the eternal truth Himself. A person who is completely self-assured, who believes he cannot err, does not strive for more but is content with what he possesses.... and he falls back.... Admittedly, it demonstrates strong faith if a recipient of My word from above is convinced of the truth.... but even the most devout person is only a human being.... the most devout person is still connected to earth as long as he lives on earth and thus exposed to the influx of the earth-bound, which wants to contaminate what is pure. And these currents also touch his intellect from time to time, and then quiet doubts set in which, however, can quickly be chased away through a believing call to the one Who is truth Himself. They are shadows that want to darken the light that shines out into the night. And as long as there are forces which fight against the light because they cannot tolerate it, the human being is not safe from their influence either, yet only to the extent that he himself is truthful. This is why the person striving for truth will inevitably arrive at the truth, and even a doubt will only result in the truth becoming ever clearer and defeating every doubt. No human being will be able to say that the truth is unattainable for him as long as he lives on earth.... then you would not have received the promise: "I will send you the comforter, the spirit of truth, and he will guide you into truth...." The truth is not inaccessible to you, it can come into your possession if you are serious about possessing it. For God Himself is truth, and He gives Himself to all who desire Him.... He wants His creations to stand in truth, because only through truth can they become what is His will.... His children. Hence He will also supply them with the truth and also give them the inner certainty that it is the truth which is offered to them. And even the doubts which arise serve to recognize the right truth and to hold on to it all the more firmly because it gives light which makes the human being happy....


Translated by Doris Boekers