
5376 I know Mine.... good shepherd....

April 27, 1952: Book 59

I know My own, and My own know Me.... I am truly the good shepherd, Who does not hand over His sheep to the enemy, Who is concerned about the life of everyone, Who does everything to protect His flock from the incursion of the wolf, Who Himself lays down His life for His sheep.... Full of love My eye rests on all people, I want to lead all of them to their home stable, I want to protect all of them from the attacks of the enemy who wants to snatch them away from Me.... I want to make Myself known to all people, offer them My protection, care for them and preserve them. I want to give eternal life to all people....

But now there is a time when almost no-one heeds My call any more; My flock has scattered, the enemy has driven into their midst and caused My sheep to lose their way, to move away from their shepherd, to climb to worldly heights, to lose their shepherd and no longer find their way back to Him.... They don't seek Him but always distance themselves more and more from Him, and even if My love calls them they no longer pay attention to My voice except for a few who recognized their good shepherd in Me and don't leave Me. But I will not let any of My sheep get lost. And so My call will sound with such strength that it must also be heard by those who are far away from Me.... And I will go after each one of My sheep and pave the way for him that leads back to Me, I will protectively place Myself before the fearful ones who fear the enemy so that no harm will come to them.... I will bend down to those who have fallen to lift them up, to pull them out of the abyss.... All will hear My call, for it will resound over the whole earth and indicate My nearness, so that everyone can turn to Me and will also be accepted by Me if only he wants to follow Me. I am the good shepherd, I certainly cannot prevent My enemy's activity but I can grant protection to everyone who stands behind Me, because the enemy cannot attack Me himself, but he can attack you as long as you don't adhere to Me, if you turn away from Me and go ways where he can pursue and reach you. My call of love does indeed follow you but it does not force you to turn back; you must follow it voluntarily, then the adversary will truly not be able to harm you, then you will be under safe protection and I will guide you safely to the homeland where I will never leave you again and you can live in blissful peace.... All you humans, pay attention to My call, for it will soon sound; turn back before it is too late, let your shepherd guide you and entrust yourselves to Me; do not leave the path I have taken but follow Me, then truly nothing of hostile power will be able to happen to you, for I Myself hold My hands protectively over you and you will reach the aim.... you will be able to enter your father's house.... you will live blissfully in eternity....


Translated by Doris Boekers