
5354 Shine of light recognizable to the souls in the beyond....

April 6, 1952: Book 59

The beings in the spiritual kingdom are indescribably happy when they see a flash of light, especially when the beings are in darkness which is a torment for them. Then they follow this shine of light and it will always lead them to where the light has its origin.... where beings of light distribute to those who want to receive light. Such emanations can always be sent from the spiritual kingdom, for light-hungry souls are always ready to receive what light beings offer them. But people on earth who are willing to receive can also establish a connection with those beings of light which are also recognizable as rays of light for the souls in the beyond and which are therefore also welcomed by souls in the beyond because they hope to receive light through them. A light will always flash up where people on earth mentally seek the spiritual kingdom, where they mentally converse with beings of light, asking them or communicating their thoughts to them. Then a bright light shines forth which shines so brightly that it beckons many souls out of darkness or twilight who feel beneficently touched for a short time and always feel relief when they come close to such rays of light. These souls are not denied access to the light, but they themselves are free to take advantage of it. Not all souls can muster the understanding for the act of a light transmission from the spiritual kingdom to earth. The significance is explained to them by spiritual guides but they are never forcibly induced to accept light. Yet for the most part they do not leave such light transmissions without an impression, they will again and again return to the place and to the people where connections to the world of light are established, and they participate in it to a certain extent by being attentive listeners and absorbing and thinking through everything that is comprehensible to them in terms of spiritual teachings.... They satisfy their hunger and thirst by accepting the bread of heaven which beings of light offer to people on earth and which every being in the beyond may also claim for itself. People on earth don't know how to help these souls which dwell in darkness by consciously directing their thoughts to God, to the world of light and also directly to those beings which need their help in order to be able to be spiritually instructed. Every thought upwards has an effect as a ray of light, and every ray of light attracts countless souls which want to escape the darkness. And the darkness on earth as well as in the beyond is dispelled by people who walk in the light themselves, i.e. who seek the truth and live in love.... Light constantly emanates from them which makes the souls in darkness happy and attracts them until they are allowed to receive light themselves, until they are allowed to participate in the teachings from the kingdom of light to earth and have finally overcome the darkness....


Translated by Doris Boekers