
5189 Effect of love on fellow human beings....

August 16, 1951: Book 58

A divinization of the soul only takes place when it transforms itself completely freely into love. It is therefore a prerequisite to discard all faults and weaknesses, to overcome evil urges and a desire for what is good and true, because only then can love come to fruition, the characteristic of divine spirit and the sign of the soul's maturity. Then the soul is no longer earthbound, although it still lives on earth, then its sphere is already a spiritual one, and as a human being it stands in the midst of people in order to radiate spiritual things and to bestow the benefit of a spiritual emanation upon the souls of fellow human beings, which, depending on their will, can be successful for the soul. For without spiritual influence no soul will rise from the abyss, and spiritual influences must always come forth from beings which are permeated by light but which cannot let their light flow openly. A person who already harbours the abundance of divine strength of love within himself, a person whose soul has spiritualized itself through love, is immensely beneficial for his fellow human beings, for he can give them what helps them to ascend, what promotes the spiritual development of the soul.... He can give much love, and love is strength from God.... Anyone who is touched by such love again feels the drive to ascend within himself:... It is the soul which seeks to make itself free, which is, as it were, pulled up by spiritual strength.... The spark of love that rests within it ignites. And thus a person's love has a redeeming effect, a soul's sphere changes, the radiations from the spiritual kingdom touch the soul and a spiritual sphere forms around it, and again a soul is able to do redemptive work because it can now receive and radiate spiritual strength itself.

You humans cannot measure the strength of love but stay as close as possible to those who radiate love and you will experience the beneficial effect, and your own transformation will become easy for you because you are supported by a person's love and success is guaranteed as long as you are willing and don't withdraw from that influence. A person who stands in love is capable of unspeakable amounts, for his thoughts are always with eternal love and he imparts strength to those who need it. God Himself is with him and in him, and therefore brightest light shines from him, and the warmth of love also communicates itself to the souls of fellow human beings and is felt to be extremely beneficial.... God Himself radiates His love through a person who has shaped himself into love....


Translated by Doris Boekers