
5053 Light and shadow.... truth bearers....

January 30, 1951: Book 57

In the twilight you do not feel the shadows, but you do when you stand in the light. The light should indeed shine through your soul in such a way that every shadow is consumed, nevertheless a shadow will creep in again and again, dark figures who believe that they can extinguish the light if they place themselves in front of it. They can indeed temporarily dim a light, but once it is kindled in a person's heart, the shadows will also be discovered and prevented from spreading.... A person who has once gained sight no longer allows himself to be dominated by darkness because he recognizes it early enough and meets it with the light which comes from above. Therefore do not fear the shadows, they are insubstantial and no longer a serious danger for a light bearer, they will always be there where a light shines brightly but can never exist in its glow. He who has made it his task to carry the light amongst people is also served by countless angels of light, because the human being wants to serve God. And thus he accepts the light directly from God, he goes among people with it in order to kindle little lights again everywhere in the hearts which are to illuminate the darkness of night that lies spread over the earth. And that is why the light bearer will always be accompanied by shadows until one day the night will disappear and the brightness of the day will embrace all people, until the light will shine so brightly that the night will be transformed into a radiant day.... Then there will be no more shadows. But as long as there is still night in the hearts of men, everyone who wants to put a light into the night will also be pursued by shadows. As long as it is still dark in people's hearts, as long as they walk in spiritual darkness, doubts will come from all sides if a bearer of truth steps amongst them and wants to enlighten their hearts. And doubts will be hastily nourished on the part of darkness because its endeavour is to extinguish all light. Lies and error will roll against the truth but dissolve into nothing before the bright shine of truth. For the light consumes every shadow. And every doubt which arises in the heart of man need only be submitted to the light from above and it will become bright in the heart, for a dark shadow cannot withstand this light. Where there is light there is shadow, and therefore don't wonder why so many people walk in darkness when they shun the light and want to hide in the shadow.... Then they forfeit grace to themselves, they prefer the night and remain dark in spirit.... until one day they, too, will feel the benefit of light and strive towards it, for without light no soul will find the path to eternal life, which, however, will always be illuminated by bearers of light so that everyone can enter it and the shadows of night will leave it forever....


Translated by Doris Boekers