
5025 Voluntary return in love to God.... unbreakable bond....

December 21, 1950: Book 57

You will never lose Me again in eternity once you have found Me of your own free will. Then you can never ever strive away from Me because the bond between you and Me is unbreakable, it is stronger than every hostile attempt to snatch you away from Me. My love keeps you captive although you remain free wanting and thinking beings. But love is a binding agent that lasts forever. You can no longer detach yourselves from me, as I also never ever let go of you, because you are My share, which I Myself have created for joy. But unlimited is My joy only then when you have found back to Me yourselves, when your love for Me has caused your return, what is then the case when you come to Me voluntarily. That is why a being, which once has entered the union with Me through love, cannot sink back into the depth anymore, because My eternal love holds it. As long as the union with Me has not yet taken place, a falling away is certainly possible, but then the being strives away from Me out of free will, therefore cannot yet accept Me as found. And you will see from this how unspeakably important it is that you change to love because through this alone the union with Me can take place, which binds you to Me for ever, which protects you from sinking into the deep. Love means everything.... It is, so to speak, the key to eternity, to the kingdom of light, it is the way to Me, to the father, Who awaits you in order to be blissfully happy with you. If you have love, then you also have Me, Who am eternal love.... You can therefore assure yourselves of My presence as soon as you practice love, and then I will never ever leave you.... But every work of love presupposes free will, and therefore the test of will is passed, you have chosen between Me and My opponent, who prevents you from every work of love, if your will is not stronger. Whoever lives in love has escaped the power of My adversary, he has taken Me into himself, I Myself have taken possession of his heart and can work in him.... I am in him who lives in love.... and what belongs to Me I never leave forever.... Satan certainly has great power, but he does not succeed in alienating a person who lives in love from Me, because this person carries Me Myself in himself and he recognizes My opponent very well. Make yourselves mine through love, let yourselves be captured by Me through constant love work, and a blessed captivity will be your lot, My love will never leave you, you will belong to Me and still be free....


Translated by Doris Boekers