
4923 Blessed end after great need....

June 28, 1950: Book 56

And your end will be a blessed one.... Don't fear the coming time with its struggles and suffering but face it courageously, for it will not last long and what comes afterwards shall already fill you with joy today, you who are Mine and carry Me in your heart. Do not be afraid, but only believe that I will not leave you, that I am always with you and ready to help in every adversity and danger. It will certainly be a time full of hardship and worries but always bearable for you who believe, for whatever you ask Me for I will give it to you so that you will not despair and become aware of My love which is constantly meant for you, and especially in the last time before the end. And for your sake I will shorten the days; they will fly by, and soon the end will be, the day when you will be delivered from all adversity.... And it will be a blissful end for you, regardless of whether you are transferred to the new earth or enter the spiritual kingdom beforehand. I know the will of the individual and will not abandon anyone who turns to Me and wants to come to Me. But the adversity must come if the last souls are to be given the opportunity to call upon Me for mercy and help. For a call coming from the heart will be heard by Me, and My love will take hold of everyone who calls to Me. Therefore you will also have to endure great adversity but you should not fear it because I will help you to bear it and there is truly nothing I cannot avert from you if you sincerely appeal to Me for it. But one day even this adversity will come to an end; and therefore always keep in mind that you are approaching an exceedingly blissful time and will forget all suffering on this earth, that you will behold Me Myself and sing My praises and give thanks to Me for My guidance which let you become blissful creatures to whom I bestow My love for all eternity....


Translated by Doris Boekers