
4722 Lack of faith.... assurance of God's help....

August 24, 1949: Book 54

Prepare yourselves for the great event which I announce again and again. But know that all suffering will pass, even if you believe to collapse under it. Everything will follow one another quickly, there will be a rush of events, and in a short time that will happen, which I point out to you again and again. But how will you bear this difficult time if you don't look up to Me with more faith in the hours of adversity? I know what is coming and want to help you gain the strength of faith which overcomes everything that comes upon you. Just lean firmly on Me, know that you will not find the support on earth that you have in Me if only you believe. I am always there for you, I hear every call, every sigh, I know about every tear, about all sorrow which oppresses you, and I only ever want to call out to you: Why do you trust so little in Me, Who constantly promises you My protection and My help? Why don't you come to Me when you are burdened and threaten to sink under the load? Why is your prayer not so fully trusting that I can help you, that you, so to speak, force My help through the strength of your faith? And if you sincerely want it you can also believe, yet you have to seriously consider My word, you have to move it in your heart, i.e. deeply empathize with its meaning and realize that I am not telling an untruth, that you can therefore fully expect the fulfilment of My promises. Therefore, if I have promised you My help in every adversity of body and soul, think about the fact that I can help you by virtue of My omnipotence, that I want to help you by virtue of My love and that you must not doubt it, for then you will either not recognize My omnipotence or My love, and then you will prevent Me Myself from expressing love and omnipotence, because then you will step out of the right relationship with the child, but which I require in order to be able to reveal Myself in My love and omnipotence. Why are you afraid of the power of the world, why do you let yourselves be oppressed by earthly worries when you have a father in heaven Who can and will take care of everything for you because you are His children? Why don't you have faith in Him, Who constantly gives you proof of His activity and work, if you only look around you? Why is the worldly so much closer to you than I am, why are you afraid, since I am constantly present to you? And how do you then want to bear the heaviness that the future still brings? But I know about your adversity and want to avert it so that you can serve Me as a support when everything around you threatens to shake.... I need you and want to educate you to become strong, fearless representatives of My teaching. And I will achieve it, that is, your faith will become unshakeable and defy all storms. You will experience My help so obviously that all doubt will disappear and your faith will grow stronger.... and you will serve Me until the end....


Translated by Doris Boekers