
4634 Power of faith.... obvious help.... last means of grace....

May 10, 1949: Book 53

The might and power of God will visibly manifest itself in those who are strong in faith and pray to God for help in great need. What seems impossible will become possible; what is humanly impossible will be accomplished by people through the power of faith in an almighty God and creator of heaven and earth. And no prayer will be in vain if it is sent up to Him in spirit and in truth and in firm, unshakeable faith; and where this faith can be found every adversity will also be bearable because it will be averted through precisely this faith. Every person who feels like a child of God and trustingly raises his hands to Him will feel the father's love. Now that God's activity, His love and His omnipotence are so clearly recognizable, the weak believers will be strengthened and the unbelievers will become suspicious, and this is a last means of grace for those who do not want to believe. A serious admonition approaches them once more, proof that a God lives to Whom they can also commend themselves and Who will draw close to them with equal love if they acknowledge Him as father and humbly bow before Him. The strength of faith can give everyone food for thought, for God's help is too obvious to be denied because things happen which go beyond the scope of the natural.... God will help all who sincerely appeal to Him for such faith, who do not slacken in their struggle for it and who are of good will. For these are His own who long for Him and whose striving only applies to unification with God, which will lead to the aim. The miracles will also take place in them which are based on the strength of faith, which testify to God's overwhelming love for His own and also revive the faith in His coming in the clouds, from which they now draw the strength again for the last battle on this earth. Their profound faith will endure everything because they are fully convinced that God will come and fetch His own into His kingdom when the adversity becomes unbearable. And God will not let such faith be put to shame....


Translated by Doris Boekers