
4516 Desire for God’s word.... urgent reminder....

December 18, 1948: Book 52

Let yourselves be taught and accept My word wherever it is offered to you. For I speak to you as soon as you desire to hear Me. Leave it up to Me how My word is conveyed to you, for each one of you is receptive in a different way and I approach each individual accordingly in the word, but I Myself am always present if you desire to hear My word, because I Myself am the word from eternity. Yet you should always bear in mind that you will only find full understanding for My word if you appeal to Me in spirit and in truth for full understanding of what is offered to you as My word. Then the hearing of My word will also be a blessing for you, then not only the ear but also the heart will hear and recognize My will. Then you will also endeavour to live in accordance with it, and then you will also converse with Me more often and accept mental instructions which broaden your knowledge and are precious spiritual possessions, thus you will gather spiritual riches for eternity. Again and again I must urge you to listen to My word, otherwise you will remain without strength for your ascent development and also lack truthful knowledge. I want to speak to you at all times; therefore make use of this and listen to Me and you will truly not regret it, you will broaden your knowledge and again and again let yourselves be taught, once you have received My word directly from Me through the inner word or through My messengers who convey the inner word to you. For this word proves My presence to you, it proves My love and care for you, which I want to regain for eternity.... For your own sake listen to Me, for without My word you cannot become blessed....


Translated by Doris Boekers