
4511 Life fate according to the will of the people....

December 14, 1948: Book 52

You are allotted a measure of suffering and hardship which you have to take upon yourselves in earthly life in order to mature your soul. This measure corresponds to the length of your life span, the will and the soul maturity of the individual human being, which is why it appears differently abundant to the human being who has not yet penetrated into the deeper knowledge about the purpose and aim of earthly life. It is no coincidence that one person's life is more difficult and arduous while another person is spared many things, but God's will has shaped the individual's destiny in a way which is most beneficial for his soul. Yet you humans can contribute a lot yourselves to make life easier for yourselves, because God's will to help is always ready if you call upon Him and appeal for His help. Thus, to a certain extent, you create the excess of suffering for yourselves, for you are always entitled to the grace of prayer which you only need to use in order to be relieved of even the greatest worry. For prayer can have the same success for the development of the soul as a measure of suffering.... the human being seeks God to Whom he wants to unite.... for which suffering is a good means.... Only the connection with God should be established, the path to this can be chosen by the human being, and therefore he can determine his fate and shape it in a bearable way for himself if he remains in constant contact with God through prayer or through active neighbourly love which results in God's presence, thus it triggers a direct connection with Him, because God Himself is love and therefore has to unite with the human being who shapes himself into the same being through love. Therefore, if a person believes he has to suffer excessively he should bear in mind that his nature still needs to change or it could be permeated by God's nature, which excludes all suffering. He has to suffer in order to take refuge with God and, through heartfelt prayer, request His emanation, which is never denied to him and touches the earthly person all the more effectively and invigoratingly the more he unites with God.... The union with God eliminates all suffering, thus it need only be striven for in order to reduce the measure of suffering and hardship and yet to mature in the soul....


Translated by Doris Boekers