
4173 God's care for His Own....

November 22, 1947: Book 50

Anyone who entrusts himself to Me need not fear failure, I will truly fight his cause and help him even though it appears hopeless according to human opinion. And I repeat that I will not leave My Own in adversity and that I will guide their steps and smooth their ways also in an earthly respect, because I am a friend and brother to My Own and always ready to help. And I say to you, who have become Mine through your will and your spiritual activity, you are under My special protection and have no reason for despondency.... Believe that it is good as it comes upon you and be grateful to the One Who holds your fate in His hand. Sufferings and joys will alternate in your still short earthly existence, accept both with gratitude and know that it is My will as it comes and that nothing happens without My approval, because I know what your soul needs to mature. Yet in every adversity you may come to Me, and the depth of your faith, the confidence in My loving help will always be rewarded.... You will be helped because I love you and am your faithful father. The fact that you should work for Me and My kingdom on earth and that I train you to do so must be proof to you of how close you are to Me and that I never want to lose you as labourers in the last days before the end. But anyone who is once in My service shall also be able to manage his service, and as his master I will also take over all care for him and thus also the worries which oppress him because he still lives on earth and cannot yet completely detach himself from it.... And thus I will give him what is desirable to him as long as it does not harm his soul. Therefore believe and hope and entrust yourselves to Me, and you will evidently experience My help....


Translated by Christian Taffertshofer