
4161 Love inspires return of love.... love wins....

November 7, 1947: Book 50

The power of love is great and it is victorious. And if the human being feels weak, then his love is not strong enough, otherwise strength would flow through him and he would be master of every situation. For love forces everything and even wins over its opponent.... It awakens requited love, provided it does not prematurely give up the fight, i.e., provided the human being does not slacken in his wooing of his fellow human being's love. Then he forfeits strength, the other side, the fellow human being, is stronger than him, he does not use the power of love, which forces everything and can never be unsuccessful. It must set itself an aim, but this aim must also correspond to God's will insofar as it does not exclude or exceed love for God, and love for God requires complete submission to His will. Thus love can certainly be directed towards the neighbour and aim at uniting with Him, yet the strongest desire should always be offered to God and from His hand should be accepted what He gives to the human being. And depending on the strength of love and faith the power of love and faith will also appear.... love will be victorious.... because God Himself as the eternal Love is now active and He wins for Himself what He once seized in love. Love is something divine which can never be without power, and no one can resist love. However, a union of love can only take place when God Himself approves of it, when He Himself joins this union by deeming it beneficial for the human being's soul, when it does not endanger its development. But this is never the case when the human being submits himself to divine will without resistance. Then his soul will no longer be in danger, and then God can and will grant him what his heart desires, He will let love flare up, He will unite Himself with the human being and all resistance will be given up, for if God Himself wants to take possession He will no longer be denied love, and the bond will be firm and of eternal duration, because love is the greatest power....


Translated by Christian Taffertshofer