
4043 Sacrifice to God....

May 18, 1947: Book 49

You should sacrifice to Me what is dear to you on earth, that is, you should voluntarily hand it over to Me and leave it up to Me what I want to give you. Only then will your love for Me be so profound that I can return it so that you will be eternally blessed. Your will to sacrifice testifies to your love for Me, for as long as you still cling to earthly things your love is only small. I want to be king of your heart, I want to occupy the first place in it, I want to reign in you forever and ever, because I want to completely fill you with My strength of love and this can only happen if you banish everything else from your heart, if you only desire Me alone and grant Me all rights over you. And I want to make you happy temporally and eternally, for My love is more delicious than all earthly things, My love lifts you into spiritual realms from where you will never return to earth again, because bliss is there without measure and you learn to recognize the futility of earthly goods and pleasures. Make yourselves My own and despise the world.... Don't let yourselves be beguiled by a sham happiness which is without permanence but which distances you from Me. Keep your heart pure and prepare it to receive Me, Who wants to move in with you to take up My kingly rule. And thus gain victory over yourselves by sacrificing everything to Me, happiness and earthly prosperity, and only desire to exchange Me for it.... I truly don't want to take anything from you but only give it to you, and thus My advice is only based on deepest love, for you don't yet realize what My taking up residence in your hearts means, you don't yet know about the overwhelming feeling of happiness which My love triggers in you once you have completely become Mine. But only then will you be able to grasp this when you no longer give room to any other thoughts of desire than to be united with Me. And therefore I constantly draw you to Myself, I withhold everything from you so that you learn to overcome, so that you voluntarily renounce what seems desirable to you, so that you sacrifice it for My sake in order to thereby attain My love.... Give it to Me voluntarily so that I don't need to take it from you and inflict pain on you for your own sake. And I will give you wealth which cannot be taken away from you; I will give you the happiness of uniting with Me which can never be surpassed in beatitude and which you should therefore strive for by completely renouncing what delights your heart on earth. Sacrifice everything to Me and exchange My love for it.... and you will gain inconceivable profit for eternity....


Translated by Doris Boekers