
3803 Subordination of the will.... supernatural power....

June 17, 1946: Book 48

A supernatural power is at your disposal if you make My will your own. Then I will work in you and truly do things which go beyond your natural ability. But what must your will be like so that it completely conforms to Mine?.... You may no longer want anything which contradicts My law of eternity, which is contrary to divine order, which alone carries My will within it.... Hence you must at all times make My will your concern, you must always do what I require of you, i.e. fulfil My commandment of love.... For love underlies My law from eternity, love moves My will, love is My fundamental substance, love is the strength which sustains everything.... and My will can only ever be to make the law of love its fundamental principle, but then you will also be in full possession of the strength from Me, Who is love in Himself. And then you will also be able to work without limitation, you will be able to accomplish things which are purely humanly impossible but which can be accomplished with the strength of love by every person who has placed himself under My law. Therefore try to change your nature completely into love and then nothing will be unattainable for your activity. You will be able to command people and animals, the elements of nature, for then it will always be My will which moves you, and nothing is impossible for My will and My strength. Then you will also be relieved of all responsibility, for as soon as My will controls you, because you have voluntarily submitted yourselves to Me, you will act in accordance with it, and whatever you do now must be right and pleasing to Me. And thus you can already be exceedingly powerful on earth, because you may appropriate My power at any time if you are of the same will as Me, and then you will be urged by the spirit within you to think and act in this or that way. And you will be able to do what you want, for then you will think and act with Me and with My strength. You will be able to avert suffering and adversity if love drives you to help your fellow human being, and you will be able to command the elements, heal the sick and work miracles of all kinds, for it is only My strength which then expresses itself through you, and with My strength nothing is impossible for you. Thus I want your will to be completely subordinate to Mine so that you will then be able to want nothing else but Me and I can then work through you....
