
0883 Love lives up.... love redeems....

April 24, 1939: Book 18

In the realization of his earthly task the human being will always take the right path, for it will always be his endeavour to make use of all means at his disposal which the lord's grace grants him and thus also to use earthly life correctly. Now all striving upwards on earth only has the right value when love determines all action and thinking, for only love enlivens, yet without love every action remains a dead beginning, i.e. it is dead for eternity, even if it earns temporal reward on earth. Love must fill the heart and move the will to be active, then all activity on earth has the success that the soul's state of maturity takes its progress, that, as it were, only now the soul draws the benefit from what the body does. And since it is only a matter of shaping the soul on earth, since this is the final purpose of the whole earthly life, to be able to leave the earthly body of flesh as complete as possible when it dies, the greatest attention must of necessity be paid to the earthly task.... The human being must be mindful of the fact that he himself has striven for his embodiment and has entered earthly life with the firm intention to use it in such a way that all slags will be lost and leaving the body in all purity in order to unite himself with the divine spirit.... It must also not forget that higher development is never possible without earthly life and that it therefore also has to willingly accept all difficulties in order to place itself into that state which results in liberation from all matter. It must unhesitatingly devote itself to the eternal deity and thus bring love within itself to its highest development.... it must love everything that has come forth from God, as the eternal creator of heaven and earth, and through this love it must now work for the benefit and best of its neighbour and for the glory of God.... The more intensively it strives for union with the divine saviour, the closer the saviour will be to this soul, and it can expect without any doubt that it will become a true child of God and one day in eternity will also find infinite happiness through Him as a child of God and will be granted divine fatherly grace forever.... for anyone who loves and does all his works in this love is entitled to the glory of God and is eternally in His grace....


Translated by Doris Boekers