
0822 God’s word as protection against all adversities.... power of faith....

March 22, 1939: Book 17

As the world attunes itself to My teaching, so will the events take place which are destined for earth. My teaching contains everything the earthly children were given to do, and if they make an effort to comply with My commandments their fate on earth will also be a bearable one; yet anyone who denies Me and My word has to fulfil his task in a different way.... he has to find the same path through suffering and difficult days so that he acknowledges his creator and judge in Me.... he also has to accept My word in a roundabout way, and this path will be more difficult and more thorny but it can also lead to the aim. How easy earthly life would be for you if only you would always pay attention to the voice from above which announces itself in you. And what suffering you could keep away from yourselves by fulfilling My commandments, which I convey to people again and again in all purity. The more intimately you accept My word the more you will also accept the strength from Me, and you will be armed to face all earthly suffering.... Consider this, if you desire to reject My word as a human word, you thereby take away the strongest protection against all adversities of life. Anyone who does not acknowledge Me and does not carry My word within himself.... anyone who does not honour Me and does so by obeying My word, cannot be granted protection by Me in severe adversity, for he rejects Me and does not see in Me the one Who can help him.... I am always ready for My children on earth and will not let any call in vain, yet if they reject My help.... if they do not recognize in Me the almighty of heaven and earth.... if they lack faith in My love and My omnipotence.... how can I then bring them help? All your strength lies in deep faith, but without faith you are weak, helpless creatures. Whoever has My word and lives according to it also stands in deepest faith and is thus strong against all hostilities that come from outside. He will not feel the suffering of earth like that and will also never be without help, for he has Me and lives according to My word....

It is indisputably proven that the world has dealt sufficiently with the problem of a detachment from Me and that thereby unspeakable suffering has already come upon humanity, for the whole earth has become a source of fire, so to speak, and the same battle against My teaching rages everywhere. People don't know how to distinguish between My teaching and the statutes of men.... their battle is directed at one and extends to the other.... they want to destroy everything and destroy faith in Me as the redeemer of the world and in My word, which I have taught at all times....


Translated by Doris Boekers