
0683 Prayer in the name of Jesus.... trials necessary to increase faith and strengthen willpower....

November 25, 1938: Book 14

By the words of the saviour you shall lift yourselves up: Whatever you ask the father in My name, it will be given to you. And so this promise is your surest guarantee that you will not ask in vain in Jesus' name. Therefore begin: The will of the lord so often imposes trials on you which are to serve you to increase your faith and strengthen your willpower. You have to accept these as God's programmes and must not waver. For you will go through all trials in vain if they do not fulfil their purpose. You will only feel the fullness of life when nothing can shake your faith, when you accept joy and suffering as touchstones on the way up. The power of resistance is also rooted in the evil of temptation.... and the right way of thinking will allow you to recognize the danger in good time; only those who willfully abandon themselves to all impulses, whether good or evil.... who do not strengthen their will but allow everything to happen to them, will derive little benefit from such trials. And the path on earth will be easy, but will not fulfil the right purpose. And so you, too, should realize that only constant struggle can bring you victory and that a day without struggle brings no progress.... that every event which hinders or burdens the body is only ever beneficial for the soul if you face it correctly. For behold, the father in heaven considers His children according to need, He knows where it is necessary to help each soul to progress, whereas you children of earth cannot even remotely realize the necessity of such trials. Let it be said to you that nothing happens without the will of the lord and that you can very well meet all suffering with believing trust in Him so that it does not seem unbearable to you, for to the same extent as the lord imposes such on you He is also prepared to help if only you believingly ask Him for it. You should only not lose your bond with the heavenly father, then life will be easy for you even in adversity, which the father Himself sends to you in order to test your love for Him....


Translated by Doris Boekers