
0558 Participation of the world beyond in the writings....

August 27, 1938: Book 12

You all will not reach that state which brings you brightness of spirit. You still have to wrestle very much against the power of evil, which still holds you captive and controls you in such a way that you still resist the light of truth.... Try to awaken all love in your hearts, then your thinking will also spiritualize.... you will only still physically walk on earth but in spirit you will rush ahead towards true life.... However, if you still observe the earth's goings-on with keen interest, the soul has no part in the spiritual experience. And without this it does not progress on the path of realization....(preceded by a debate in the family)

And now hear: Do you know who directed your words to an area that gave rise to such speeches?.... You were surrounded by so many spiritual beings whose thirst for knowledge sought you out. It was another day of unrivalled blessing for your surroundings. These beings are still ignorant, and their desire, like yours, is to draw from the source of grace lovingly granted by God.... to absorb His sanctified word. Every line holds infinite value for all these seekers, and your work can be so extraordinarily beneficial if you make it known to these beings. And all friends on the other side thank you especially for your kindness and in turn protect your work from unappointed powers. But it is the regret of every soul that the same joy does not reign on earth over the writings, which are after all a pure work of God and should have an effect full of power and strength of faith on everyone who only takes note of them. Just as the lord constantly distributes to everyone who asks, so His gift should also be constantly accepted with gratitude and yet finds so little resonance in the hearts of the children of earth. Every single topic touches on the inexhaustible problem of God's love and wisdom.... As soon as this expresses itself through His word, the problem is solved, and easily comprehensible for all people.... There is nothing that cannot be grasped, and so whoever has the will to do so can penetrate such wisdom.... No prior knowledge of any kind is required to understand this wisdom. But if such a work is dismissed without examination, then good will is lacking.... the most indispensable thing to be able to receive the word of God. And this is why the lord only teaches those who are of good will.... And His work finds lively participation in the beyond, where a crowd constantly gathers around you.... it is important to be able to accept as much of the teachings as possible as spiritual knowledge in order to educate yourself as much as possible through divine wisdom. Such friends who are willing to accept are always numerous in your neighbourhood, and the opportunity brought it about that this subject had to come up in order to give salutary instruction to the hardened or completely ignorant in the beyond as well, which should lead them closer to knowledge. It corresponds to a completely wrong way of thinking not to go into the essentials but to want to reject everything without examination, but that is why the beings in the beyond turn to you with the remark that the truth will never find entrance there where the desire for it does not exist. Pondering and researching is indeed futile if both are not connected with deep love for the lord.... but not seeking the truth at all can even less lead to realization. This will inevitably lead to a certain spiritual emptiness.... The human being will only ever pay attention to what happens in the world, but will have little understanding for purely spiritual occurrences. And any further activity in this area will only ever be of use primarily for yourself and for the spiritual beings surrounding you, who will need these explanations just as much in the beyond. Give them all your time as often as you can, for their desire for spiritual truths is great and at the same time they will give you many suggestions and guide you so that you will willingly follow them.... Yet they will not forget yours either.... what you do for them today through your will to help them will be rewarded in your loved ones one day, for love works with increased strength in the beyond.


Translated by Doris Boekers